I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m willing to bet that you’re not on Facebook to follow brands.
You’re there to connect with your friends and family, right? But since you’re a marketer, you’re probably part of the 93% that use Facebook as a marketing tool. According to Facebook, this is why they’ve killed organic reach. Too much content from too many marketers. The result? You have to pay to reach your fans on Facebook.
There is no denying that Facebook is the big kid on the block, but with reach constantly on the decline, Instagram could be a better way to brand your business and reach your followers. This infographic from selfstartr suggests brands should embrace Instagram instead of Facebook.
Infographic courtesy of: selfstartr
Instagram is a rapidly growing social media platform where users engage with brands regularly. Since only 36% of marketers use Facebook, you can get a jumpstart on your competition and reach 100% of your followers.
Even though Facebook is an effective marketing channel, growth has plateaued. The only way to get more out of it is to spend more money. When you compare organic marketing reach between Facebook and Instagram it’s a no brainer. If you can build an engaging Instagram page, there is no filter to stop your reach.
Average order value is higher on Instagram ($65) on Facebook ($55), making Instagram more attractive for those selling products online. Instagram users are more engaged and willing to spend more.
In this article, we'll look at seven Instagram tools to build engagement on Instagram.
The Top 7 Instagram Tools To Help You Build Your Brand On Instagram
1. Schedugram
Feel like uploading, editing, and scheduling your Instagram posts in advance? Save time and manage multiple accounts with this low-cost app. You can request an email when each post goes out, making post tracking easier.
2. Iconosquare
Arguably the most powerful Instagram tool in a digital marketer’s kit, Iconosquare provides detailed analytics for your content on the site. The app also assists with content promotion by allowing cross-posting on Facebook and Instagram, hold paid contests, manage posts, and interact with content, among other functions.
3. SnapWidget
Visual marketing is a powerful tool for ecommerce businesses of all sizes, and this Instagram tool makes it easier on you. Customize and embed your Instagram gallery on your company’s website with this no-hassle app.
4. Tagboard
More than an Instagram tool, you can use Tagboard to track hashtags related to your posts across platforms: G+, Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Flickr and Instagram, of course. Interact with the posts across platforms and make hashtags into the powerful marketing tool they have the potential to be.
5. Repost
Someone on your feed posted a pic, and it’s perfect for your company page. Repost is Instagram’s answer to the retweet on Twitter. Send a little thanks to the original poster for good karma, and give your social media presence a boost.
6. Like2Buy
Post a product from your offerings on Instagram, and give your customers the chance to buy it when they click the like button. Take advantage of impulse shopping, even without a brick & mortar store.
7. Instafall
Wouldn’t you love a TweetDeck app for Instagram? Congrats. It’s here. Instafall can track hashtags and users. Although it’s not quite as informative as TweetDeck, it looks like this app has the potential to be huge.
Honorable Mention
If you’ve got the time and interest, also look into CrowdFire and Piqora. These two tools are excellent additions to any digital marketer’s social media management apps, and can provide a significant boost to your efforts.
Crowdfire ((formerly called JustUnfollow)) is an app that active Twitter users will recognize, and that contains a suite of apps that make social media management on both platforms much easier, and Piqora is an excellent alternative to Iconosquare (formerly named Statigr.am), offering many of the same capabilities.
Do you plan on using Instagram for marketing?
Let us know about some of the ways you plan to use Instagram on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or in the comments below.