Of all the social media platforms, Facebook is the one that often gets touted as a decreasing way for people to connect. But a closer look at the reach of Facebook shows otherwise, proving that this way of connecting continues to retain and grow its reach—particularly when it comes to creating custom audiences.
Current estimates place the number of advertisers at about 2 million. That’s 2 million different companies competing for people and clicks and sales. The Facebook activity of current users may also point to the number of reasons why marketers increasingly turn to this social media platform. The click-through rate on Facebook campaigns shows phenomenal growth—over 266 percent—particularly when it comes to videos. Photos come in second.
In addition, one-third of Facebook advertising budgets are now focused on video. Those statistics show the power and potential for advertisers to target their campaigns based on browsing history and habits, which is essential to creating a custom audience.
In order to do that, though, it’s important to understand the metrics that you can use from Facebook.
Those include:
- Figuring out who your website traffic visitors really are
- When they’ve visited
- Where they visited from
These audience insights can help you to understand how your Facebook audience is connected to you and what their demographics are, as well as their activity both on Facebook and the Internet.
To learn how to advertise to Facebook custom audiences, take a look at this infographic we've put together.
This way you can begin to learn more about the audience you are trying to reach and improve your ad targeting when running Facebook Ads.
Together, you can begin to real more of your ideal audience and begin to build a relationship with them, eventually converting them into a customer for your business.
How to Advertise to Facebook Custom Audiences
In order to reach the right people on Facebook, you don't just want to run Facebook Ads using Facebook Ads Manager.
You may attract new fans, but in most cases, they're not the people you want to reach.
Instead, we're going to remarket to people we know already visited our site or read our content. This is because we know they're interested.
Let's take a look at the impact Facebook custom audiences can have.
Image via SalesForce
Over to You
As you can see, when you advertise to Facebook custom audiences, you're not just blindly throwing money at Facebook Ads by advertising to people who aren't familiar with your brand, hoping that someone will click your ad and make a purchase.
Instead, you're advertising to people who have expressed an interest at one time, which should help to improve your overall conversions and help you attract the right people to check out your content or your products.
After looking over this infographic on how to advertise to website custom audiences, what other questions do you have?
Share them with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or in the comments below.
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